Top Features

Document sharing

Only an authorized number of uploaded documents can be shared and only by people authorized to share those documents.

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key feature 2

Dive into the details
with analytics

Uploaded documents can be shared based on the number of copies available by the personas who has the necessary permissions to do so.

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Social media sharing

Documents assigned to End Users can be shared number of times authorized by the respective company. Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn auto sharing is integrated in the app. A link can also be copied and shared on any platform.

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Live report sharing

Live Analytics are available

Controlled Document Sharing

Shared documents will expire and this enables control of transfer of value.

Live Activity Feed

Activities can be viewed by authorized personnel

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Track Visit Requests

Prepare for meetings with HCPs based on actual information. Add value to your interactions by basing it on common bases of knowledge.

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Identify Clinical Leaders, Pinpoint Critical Documents

Identify your key documents, key opinion leaders and key representatives.

Real time transfer of value information

Avoid Surprises: Healthcare professionals, and company representatives can look for real time information on the value of documentation that was shared.

Report Generation

Meet your targets with confidence. Shared information results in better transparency and more trust.

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